WELCOME to Farm Direct International (FDI) Consulting, where knowledge is shared with suppliers, growers and retailers. FDI professionals have over 50 years experience in the floral and produce industry as consultants, growers, importers, wholesalers, retailers, educators and e-commerce experience.
Having a problem deciding on expanding your floral business, merging or shutting down? How can we help? Let FDI provide you with a business review and help you evaluate the right path for your business. Let us design a floral educational program to help drive sales and profit.
GROWER AND SUPPLIER CONSULTING - Designer upgraded programs, over-all profitability review, inventory control and viability of the business.
RETAIL CONSULTING - Care, handling, training, procurement, educational and sales marketing programs for supermarkets, drug stores and garden centers chains in the US.
SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS - Seminars and speaking engagements for trade shows, events and businesses.
BUSINESS CONSULTING - Evaluations, bank negotiations, inventory analysis. Expanding, cutting back, merger or liquidation, let us help.